Customizing Your Shop

By Monna R , Published on 2020-09-08

Building your brand is one of the main priorities of Shopswired that's why we have provided you with simple tools to customize your shop to clearly express what your brand is all about.


You can upload a photo to serve as your shop's backdrop to establish an ambience whenever your customers visit your shop. Do this by logging in to your account, then go to My Account > More > Shop Settings.

Change Backdrop

Shop Settings > Theme > Change Backdrop

For example, this HomeSweetHome shop is all about home baked products, so the owner decided to put a backdrop of a nice photo of baked treats.

Customized Backdrop

HomeSweetHome's customized backdrop

It is best to upload your own photos about your shop, but if you ever need a beautiful image just for the backdrop, you can use resources like Unsplash and Pixabay

Please keep in mind that the website can be viewed in different media (tablet, laptop, cellphones), so make sure that your backdrop photo will turn out okay when cropped according to the viewing device.

If you changed your mind and would rather not customize your backdrop, you can opt to remove backdrop on the Shop Settings as well. This will revert your shop to use the subtle patterned backdrop that is available to all shops by default.

Default Backdrop

HomeSweetHome using default backdrop

Of course, there is no rush to these things. You can always come back and modify when you can.

About Your Shop

Let your customers get to know more about your brand by creating pages and writing articles about your products, your history, news, announcements, and all the other exciting things you want to share with them. They can view all of these thru the About Shop page when they are browsing your shop.

Under My Account > More > Pages, you have the ability to write a short or thorough description about your shop. You can also link to different pages for further details relevant to your shop.

For example, HomeSweetHome's owner has added a short description of their shop on about page. They also created a few more pages to talk about their delivery policies and the ingredients they use on their baked goods. They have added these links to their About page so their customers can navigate to those pages whenever they look for information about their shop.

About Shop

HomeSweetHome's About Page showing a short description and further details with links

Stay tuned for more detailed tutorials on creating pages and linking them to your About page!

Monna R

Monna likes to play guitar on her free time and take care of the family.